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Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico Philosophicus

... in the proposition representing the situation. From this, he moves on to discuss the basis of the logically perspicacious language, formal ... tries to explain it in the Tractatus, he invokes it without any specification of its meaning. By the time showing ...

(4 pages) 57 0 0.0 31/Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Analysis of Descartes.

... is difficult to pursue. As thus, Descartes states he will move back into the "pleasant illusion" that he is able to understand his ... our experiences at the time during which we experience them. A few paragraphs later, Descartes attempts to create a solution ...

(2 pages) 20 0 0.0 12/Dec/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Hobbes and Rousseau's view on a "State of Nature"

... why people should avoid returning to a state of nature. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), lived in a time of political and ... to aristocrat young men travelling around Europe. The work he produced was seventeenth-century scepticism. He was interested on what moved ...

(2 pages) 21 0 0.0 01/Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Descartes' arguments for immateriality of mind/soul based on the notion of dualism: body is extended object and mind/soul is non-extended.

... self actually exists by asserting that the ability to reason proves his existence. Then he moves to claim that the mind and body are ... , each can be clearly perceived as being able to exist by itself. At the same time proving the immortality of mind as the ...

(8 pages) 38 1 0.0 21/Feb/2009

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Albert Camus The Stranger: Existentialism and Absurdism

... essay on the state of Muslims in Algeria causing him to lose his job and move to Paris. In 1941 he joined the French resistance against ... at this time-several world wars in specific. If we take a look at the life of Albert Camus himself, it's hard to deny ...

(5 pages) 36 0 4.0 15/May/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

The Relevance of Philosophy, essay about a Bertrand Russell extract

... you move to Saudi Arabia as a child, there will be strong pressure on you to become a follower of Islam. It is clear to ... intellectual table-tennis indulged in by the Ancient Greeks to while the time away before television came along. Russell suggests that it ...

(4 pages) 110 0 3.7 11/Dec/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

The Mind-body problem in Descartes Meditations

... the body is extension. If you mutate and move your body around it is going to change shape. Essence cannot be changed or mutated ... have tried to explain and interpret cognition over time. One of the earliest such philosophers was Descartes. He wrote many ...

(6 pages) 128 0 2.3 31/Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Emily Dickinson's Female Transcendentalist Views

... to gain a transcendentalist experience, but rather to record them. Both Emerson and Thoreau chose to contact their true natural surroundings, and experience time ... five of his senses, where he could feel the tree moving in the wind as if it was his own body. ...

(6 pages) 125 0 4.0 02/Jan/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

The significance of the 'Cogito' for Cartesian and modern philosophy.

... probable it be that I am so imperfect as to be deceived all the time.' This concise argument is offering the only two possible ... in knowledge, one point of surety like Archimedes' point we could 'move the globe' or unlock truths from the chains of doubt. ...

(9 pages) 134 1 4.1 28/May/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

Analysis of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis

... of Bacon's work. According to Denise Albanese, Bacon's philosophy is "a defining move in the emergence of modern ... to be so much more viable as human conditions are annihilated from all suffering, unlike those present in Europe at that period of time ...

(12 pages) 64 0 5.0 18/May/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Modern Philosophy

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