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Search term: time-to-move

High Oil Prices: The Mystery and the Future

... see, the decision of OPEC to set the price of its oil has caused dramatic changes throughout time to the oil prices. New ... fuel efficiency and energy conservation. Recent years have seen a move towards more fuel-thirsty sport utility vehicles and "trophy" ...

(9 pages) 64 0 5.0 29/Jan/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

International Economics

... of international investors for higher yields increased their willingness to move down the credit spectrum and lengthen duration, opening ... conditions in which the Single Market is enlarged". According to Breuss time is an important factor in the process of ...

(28 pages) 362 0 3.0 11/Jul/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

An Inside Look at Off-shoring IT Jobs

... moved their call centers to India. After shifting their call centers to Bangalore in 2001, Dell was forced to move several of their call centers back to ... . This is due to many contributing factors, such as cost, time, efficiency, and the need to stay ahead ...

(11 pages) 63 0 2.3 27/Mar/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Supply and Demand Simulation Paper

... with apartments, the supply curve eventually shifts to a point where it is no longer able to move or it can be vertical in some ... for any product is an imaginary line at a point in time. This tells one the quantities consumers would demand at various prices ...

(5 pages) 182 0 3.0 31/May/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Final Global Business Plan Paper

... time to make its way to the bottom. Where decentralized organizations are able to make faster decisions at the lower level. By combining both, it enables authority to delegate to ... itself to risk. The risk arises because currencies may move in relation to ...

(23 pages) 1273 1 4.8 15/May/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

International Financial Organizations

... compared to those in the inland regions. Parents, who are concerned for their children's future, strive hard to move in ... of all other nations … during a particular period of time" (Salvatore, 2005, p. 257). Governments, firms, and individuals involved ...

(21 pages) 173 1 0.0 10/Oct/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Analyzing the Structure and Perfomance of the Irish trade and the World Trade.

... performance of the Irish trade. And now we need to move on the world trade to see Irish position in that concept. 'Prospects for ... pressure as well. Talking about the larger period of time then from the 2000 to 2007 exports increased on average by 2.7%. ...

(14 pages) 18 0 0.0 16/Dec/2008

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Diffrent types of unemployment and the possible demand side and supply side policies

... to acquire skills to move from the declining to the growing industries (Mankiw, 2007). Nickell' research concludes that unemployment is partially related to ...

(7 pages) 89 0 3.7 06/Feb/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Global Strategies

... time when looking at the use of roads within Spain, as there are many. The many airports establish a consistent ability to move product from location to ...

(19 pages) 75 0 0.0 23/Nov/2009

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

Business Ethics and Contemporary Corporate Thought.

... deal erases Polaroid's $1 billion debt, allowing the company to move forward again. However, many including lawyers and analysts are ... how President Bush has the opportunity to become "the Teddy Roosevelt of his time" by cracking down on corporate fraud (Art ...

(5 pages) 400 0 3.9 09/Sep/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Markets & Exchanges

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