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Search term: time-to-move

Immigration - Script

... for you to move, as in economically?John: Yes, of course. Those were very harsh times; we had to write so many letters to the ... killed if they did not move. But I immigrated to Canada due to economic reasons. John: It is tough to move from a place that ...

(5 pages) 10 0 0.0 02/Feb/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Animals-Sometimes That is What We Are

... important, it was time to breed; therefore, Paolo would have to exercise caution when he moved upon the woman chosen to be his first ... to his native land, Italy. Jorge had said that the call would come, sudden and overwhelming, to direct when it was time to ...

(51 pages) 51 0 1.0 19/Dec/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

The Place I have grown to love

... never experienced the joys of an extended family. Even then time seemed to have come to a standstill in the stillness of the night. Throughout ... that even a tiny ripple would have sounded loud had I moved just a little. As I stared at the spacious lush ...

(3 pages) 43 0 3.0 27/Mar/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

A story about a young girl who overcomes her loneliness

... harsh to be simple fatigue. She wants to move her arms and touch him, if only he'd let them go. She wants to run ... time. To acknowledge her apology would be admitting that something odd has transpired between them. This is the last thing he wants to accept ...

(25 pages) 39 1 3.0 04/Mar/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Balsam. Essay written on an example of how smells evoke memories

... of appreciation and awe. To him, this was a glorious time; to them, a time of relief, of weary thanksgiving for the end to the madness. ... magic had moved the fire along; and that the enemies had hoped to use the fire, and the chaos that it caused, to sweep ...

(10 pages) 48 0 4.2 13/Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Painting The Family Pet

... ll have your paint ing to remember you by." I try to think what I could give Amy, but she seems to move through life without the need ... but I find it hard to go to sleep at night, knowing he'll be looking. I prefer it when I've time to arrange myself, like ...

(12 pages) 34 0 3.0 16/Jul/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Time For School - daily rituals, something that you do everyday and describe it with much details. This essay is about the 10 min that you get ready for school.

... easy access to the time. I munch on my muffin greedily between sips of coffee, pausing for a split second to check the time. I continue ... and toothpaste in my hand, I begin to brush my teeth. While my right hand is moving in rhythm, my left hand is putting ...

(3 pages) 18 0 0.0 07/Jun/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Mystery Lady

... done next it's time to hear the preacher bring The Word. All the members rest on the burgundy pews anxious to hear the sermon, ... black skirts, with sharper moves than the U.S. Army, motion there way to the front of the alter to place the tan medal chairs ...

(3 pages) 20 0 3.0 05/Jul/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Description of a teacher fired from our school

... time to write, except for this epilogue. Last week I went over the list of applicants. They were of students School #61 tried to pass on to ... passionate need to express his sexuality in every passage. Eventually classes would move away from Faulkner to the ...

(6 pages) 31 0 3.7 28/Aug/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

My learning

... to read at least three times to adjust and discover the real meaning in Tompkins essay that she tried to influence the reader to understand. While I'm trying to ... to revise multiple times, until the paper meets to the point of less revision. Moving forward to ...

(9 pages) 176 0 3.0 01/Feb/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

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