Essays Tagged: "Cetacea"

Human vs cetacean divers

rience decompression sickness. These are the whales, porpoises, and dolphins, known collectively as cetaceans.Cetaceans do not experience complications during dives as humans do, even though nitrogen ... t experience complications during dives as humans do, even though nitrogen dissolves in the blood ofcetaceans to the depth of 200 feet. Beyond that level, cetacean lungs collapse and air within them i ...

(2 pages) 32 0 3.0 Dec/1996

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology > Human Biology


tion skills even comeclose to the complexity of a true language.All dolphins belong to the order of Cetacea. Thebottle-nosed dolphin is scientifically classified as Tursiopstruncatus. The common dolph ... tion skills even comeclose to the complexity of a true language.All dolphins belong to the order of Cetacea. Thebottle-nosed dolphin is scientifically classified as Tursiopstruncatus. The common dolph ...

(6 pages) 106 0 2.8 Apr/1997

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

This essay is about the Killer Whales Scientific Classification: Order & Genus

beutiful large mammal, largest of th dolphin family. The scientific order of all types of whales is Cetacea. This large order is broken down into three further groups as well: the toothed whales or Od ...

(7 pages) 67 0 3.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

The Bottlenose Dolphin.

ncates" in scientific name, and belong to the family Delphinidae, in the suborder Odontoceti, order Cetacea. These animals are well known for its intelligence and are commonly found in zoos or marine ...

(4 pages) 46 0 5.0 Sep/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

The Power Of Nature

(1 pages) 46 3 3.4 Nov/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

The Killer Whale. taxonomy, ecology, evolutionary history, reproduction, distribution, morphological characteristics, behavioral characteristics, and conservation.

TAXONOMY AND EVOLUTION Killer whales are in the order Cetacea which includes all dolphins, porpoises, and whales. They belong to the suborder Odontoceti w ... Latin, the name orca means "the shape of a barrel or cask" which is due to their shape (1). Cetaceans roamed the oceans long before recorded history probably up to 5-7 million years ago. It is ... November and in the western north pacific it peeks in May and June. Gestation is the longest of all cetaceans lasting about 17 months. The male and female copulate underwater by connecting belly to be ...

(9 pages) 39 0 4.3 Jun/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Zoology

Baleen Whales

ales, also called whalebone whales or great whales, form the Mysticeti, one of two suborders of the Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). Baleen whales are characterized by having baleen plates f ... ering food from water, rather than having teeth. This distinguishes them from the other suborder of cetaceans, the toothed whales or Odontoceti. Living Mysticeti species have teeth only during the emb ...

(3 pages) 2206 0 0.0 Jan/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology