Essays Tagged: "concepts of god"

The New Age Movement This paper outlines the New Age movement as a social movement including their basic beliefs and goals, who they are, and what they do, as well as their place in society.

es to a greater reality that called for explanations that traditional religions could not give. Its concepts of God and Love were too narrow to accommodate the overwhelming experiences they had on the ...

(8 pages) 290 0 4.4 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

The Christian Walk

while also remaining transcendent and invisible. This may appear to be a radical departure from the concepts of God found in Hebrew Bible. Most Christians believe the New Testament's statements regard ...

(4 pages) 35 0 0.0 Jul/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Christianity


eless or Not? To consider a view that God is timeless or not timeless, we must first understand the concepts and attributes of God. What are the concepts of divine immutability, omniscient, and timele ... es of God. What are the concepts of divine immutability, omniscient, and timelessness? How do these concepts relate to the view of God? How do the views of God relate to the views of time? One concept ...

(2 pages) 17 1 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy