Essays Tagged: "John Dollard"

Perspectives on fear and Aggression

s appearance and negative deeds.This means that also fear experienced through gradual conditioning. John was smacked when he ate lollies, so when he thinks of lollies, John becomes anxious (Atkinson e ... cial Learning theory with Anxiety, we will view aggression from the viewpoints of behaviourists and John Dollard, one of the original authors of the frustration-aggression theory.Aggression is a very ...

(5 pages) 135 0 4.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Assess the impact of technology on the development of cell theory. In particular, include the development of the microscope and give evidence where possible.

rson to acknowledge cells, and this was when the cell theory began.In 1758 a spectacle manufacturer John Dollard, patented an almost completely achromatic lens that made colour-free refracting telesco ...

(2 pages) 42 0 4.5 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

What is the origin of aggressive behavior?

your car for not starting. This aggression is explained by the frustration-aggression hypothesis by John Dollard. It states that frustration is the sole cause of aggression, certain circumstances crea ...

(4 pages) 70 0 3.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology