Essays Tagged: "Kibbutz"

Spirituality in current school and educational settings, in light of the aftermath of extremist terrorist attacks

m, it is not a complete explanation, because there is some similar process in the extreme left wing kibbutz schools. What might be learned is that when the educational process is defined by something ...

(2 pages) 44 0 5.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Itzchak Tarkay

d were sent to a transit camp the new arrivals at Beer is Ya'akov. The next two years was spent in kibbutz.Tarkay received a scholarship to the bezalel art academy in Jerusalem in 1951, a year la ...

(1 pages) 1520 0 2.3 Jun/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

"The family is universal." Evaluate this claim.

t are not classed as a family, yet they fulfil all of the functions needed, for example, the Israel kibbutz. A kibbutz is a settlement where the looking-after of children is amongst the whole communit ... ildren for a little while each week. Two of the four functions are certainly carried out within the kibbutz- the sexual gratification and the reproduction- but it can be argued that the economic and s ...

(3 pages) 95 1 4.8 Oct/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology