Essays Tagged: "Patrick Spens"

Sir Patrick Spens

Sir Patrick Spens Ballads are a type of poem which were composed for entertainment. This particular ball ... large amount of small verses. These also made it easier to remeber the lyrics.In this ballad, "Sir Patrick Spens", there are fourteen beats in one verse. The first and the third lines in each verse, ... rse, have four beats, though the second and fourth lines have only three beats.In this ballad, "Sir Patrick Spens", and a lot of other ballads, the composer uses a Scots Dialect. This makes it hard to ...

(2 pages) 3232 0 0.0 Oct/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


will go to heaven. However, doing bad things make you go to hell instead. Second is loyalty. In Sir Patrick Spens shows about loyalty. The king commanded Sir Patrick to fetch his daughter. The king in ... cause of terrible weather. However, The honest knight did not have choices expect going for it. Sir Patrick bravely accepted to fetch the princess, even though it was impossible to achieve. It is one ...

(1 pages) 0 0 0.0 Mar/2014

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature