Essays Tagged: "Solar Dynamics Observatory"

Identify data sources, gather and process information and use available evidence to assess the effects of sunspot activity on the Earth's power grid and satellite communications.

Sunspots are dark areas on the solar surface that contain transient and concentrated magnetic fields. They are the most prominent v ... dissipate over periods of days or weeks. They occur when strong magnetic fields emerge through the solar surface and allow the area to cool slightly, from a background value of 6000 degrees C down to ... est. The less dark, striated area around the umbra is called the penumbra. Sunspots rotate with the solar surface, taking about 27 days to make a complete rotation as seen from Earth. Sunspots near th ...

(2 pages) 41 0 5.0 Nov/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Physics

wavelength determination

(4 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2014

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry