Essays Tagged: "weather conditions"


cided to land in Mendoza, Argentina, so everybody could safely spend the night. By the morning, the weather conditions had not improved much. The pilots decided they could fly over the ferocious storm ...

(2 pages) 350 7 4.6 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

This is about weapons of mass destruction including anthrax etc...

s to spray the agents over an area. If released outdoors, these types of weapons can be affected by weather conditions. Rain would reduce the effectiveness of the agents, and wind might spread them in ...

(6 pages) 78 0 4.0 Jan/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security

The causes and consequences of rural to urban migration.

available in rural areas are agricultural based. The introduction of labour saving devices and bad weather conditions has decreased the demand for labour in the agricultural sector. The decrease in t ...

(2 pages) 44676 0 4.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

The Atmosphere.

(Question #1) When atmospheric scientists describe the "weather" at a particular time and place or the "climate" of a particular region, they describe the s ... amount of cloudiness, type and amount of precipitation, air pressure, and wind speed and direction. Weather is the current atmospheric conditions that include temperature, rainfall, wind, and humidity ... r feel if it is raining or windy, sunny or cloudy. All of these factors make up what we think of as weather. Weather is what is happening right now or likely to happen tomorrow or in the very near fut ...

(12 pages) 106 0 2.3 Jun/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences

Extreme Environmental Hazards in North Korea.

aw materials, while the agricultural sector is plagued by shortages of inputs compounded by adverse weather conditions. In order for the present circumstances to improve and bring about a reversal of ... and a proper drought and flood management plan put in place to reduce the effects of future adverse weather conditions·Environmental rehabilitation and sustainable natural resource management, ...

(8 pages) 70 1 3.0 Sep/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences > Geography

Contrast of two versions of Macbeth's Beliefs.

.The witches are said to be very frightening and very powerful. They were said to have power of the weather conditions and all that is evil. They had power over nature, over the wind, storms, rain, an ...

(4 pages) 29 0 4.0 Oct/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare > Macbeth

Mad Cow Disease - Past & Present.

ys after the explosions took place there was a leak and radioactivity occurred. This meant when the weather conditions changed it the caused the radioactivity to shift in every direction the wind blew ...

(2 pages) 55 0 5.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Diseases


Kansas, and their playground is know as Tornado Alley.Tornadoes are the offspring of many different weather conditions, but here in tornado alley we can blame the Rocky Mountains to the west and the G ...

(2 pages) 40 0 0.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Do the potential risks justify stopping development of GM foods when they would be of benefit to the developing countries?

. For example, a gene from a fish has been introduced to strawberries so that it can with stand icy weather conditions. This would allow strawberries to be grown in cold conditions.Many people also be ...

(2 pages) 47 1 4.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Maritime law,safe ports

ce to the above there are many types of safety ports such as meteorologically which is mentioned on weather conditions, physically about the nature of the port and politically about the events that ta ... rotection against northerly winds. There were no means of communications to warn of approach of bad weather and therefor captain not warned of the impending change in the weather and so could not take ...

(16 pages) 94 0 4.6 Apr/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Law > Cases

Extinction of Australian Megafauna

astern Australia and Papua New Guinea.As Australia moved northwards at 6 to 7 centimetres per year, weather conditions changed and the climate dried out. The centre of Australia became drier and plant ...

(3 pages) 25 0 3.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Argumentative Essay "Learner drivers don't get enough experience in different types of weather conditions before they get their Probationary License".

Argumentative Essay"Learner drivers don't get enough experience in different types of weather conditions before they get their Probationary License".A Driver's Education program should b ... ng recklessly. The unit is needed to give young people enough practice in different situations like weather changes and unknown road obstacles. After the unit the students would hopefully be prepared ...

(3 pages) 106 1 4.5 Apr/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays

Global Positioning Systems

nformation about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions.The GPS is comprised of three segments: the space segment, the control segment an ...

(4 pages) 164 8 4.5 Aug/2004

Subjects: Science Essays

Should there be a change to the current speed limitations?

motorists of the highest speed considered to be safe and reasonable under normal road, traffic, and weather conditions. Every state has a basic speed statue requiring drivers to drive their vehicles a ... nder these conditions. This law recognizes that the maximum safe speed varies due to traffic, road, weather, and other conditions, and ultimately places the responsibility of selecting a safe and reas ...

(3 pages) 24 0 4.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Host Plant Phenology and it's impact on Sympatric Speciation

renewed interest in recent years. It can be defined as the timing of natural living processes with weather events. The return of various migratory songbirds, the blooming of wildflowers and woody lan ... relationship between 1) discrete phenological events, 2) events and the season, 3) events and local weather conditions, and 4) events and climatic changes. Records of such natural events over a period ...

(8 pages) 34 0 4.6 Oct/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Forestry

Natural Disaster Early Warning Systems

 Â Â Â Â Experts can recognise the conditions that lead to avalanches by studying terrain, snow and weather in an area; they can predict tornados and hurricanes 12 to 24 hours in advance. The problem ... tion, an avalanche is a mass of snow that slides down a mountain slope. Most avalanches result from weather conditions that cause snow on a mountain slope to be come unstable. Heavy winds, explosions, ...

(10 pages) 84 0 3.0 Jun/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences > Geography

The Causes Road Rage in Australia.

create tendencies towards impatience and intolerance amongst drivers. Environmental factors such as weather conditions and poor lighting can also influence road rage as it increases the chances of roa ...

(3 pages) 35 0 0.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Global Positioning System.

nformation about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions. This is of obvious importance for military purposes but also for every day life ...

(11 pages) 216 1 4.8 Nov/2005

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

Oil company price gouging.

many things but the rise in the price of gasoline will definitely be in the forefront. The drastic weather in the gulf was considered a contributing factor to the change in the prices of gasoline and ... anding persons.When prices first started to escalate the public was informed that it was due to the weather conditions that were affecting the refineries that were located along the gulf coast. Due to ...

(5 pages) 89 0 5.0 Nov/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

"A Winter's Tale"

reasons that are most important. Many people feel the ship was unfortunate in its voyage due to the weather conditions, others think it was because of human error, and still there are a few that think ... to delay any longer. " Regardless of storm signals, and warnings in the newspapers that the Toronto Weather Bureau was forecasting a gale with winds going around to the...Captain Martin that is would ...

(3 pages) 19 0 4.0 Jun/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American