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  • Egypt

    the egypt section of this essay bothered me. the author wonders why the ancient egyptians technology never evolved durring the 3000 or so years of their existance. what, i ask, about the irrigation technology that they developed in order to make more fertile the land further away from the nile? they were also the first peoples to think of storring food up so that over the years, when the nile flooded too much and destroyed most of the crops, they still had enough foods, also when the nile didnt flood far enough to water all the needed crops they had food in store. why were they able to build the great pyramids into almost perfect measurments if the technology wasnt good? also, being dead wasnt part of the heirarchy... they prepared for death because those who didnt were doomed to eternal nothingness and those who did, their afterlife being good depended on how well they prepared for it. the pharos were right under the gods since they were deemed to be direct decendants of them. and last off... if change was such a bad thing for their society, how were they one of the only peoples (past and present day included) to accept a woman as their pharo/ruler/leader?i cant comment on the other portions of this paper because i do not have enough knowlege in those areas.
    • 11/11/2003
    • 01:14:45
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.