User Details For: maxf

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  • Next time include the questions too...

    Your answers aren't much use without them!
    • 29/05/2004
    • 23:17:09
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Is 9-11 <ugh> the best example?

    Some people would argue that it is precisely BECAUSE we are a \"city upon a hill\" that we are targeted by terror--as an example of everything that the fanatical \"evildoers\" of the world despise (democracy, freedom of speech, etc. ad nauseum). In my opinion, the sheer audacity of the nation\'s response to the threat of terrorism bears testament to our PERCEIVED godliness, in the eyes of the leaders, at least.That said, well done for picking out our economic troubles as a concern. Free-market capitalism certainly has its dark side and is not necessarily the solution to the world\'s ills, as some may have us believe.Also, get someone to reread your work for grammar, word agreement, etc. or at least do it yourself.
    • 14/12/2003
    • 01:54:38
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.