User Details For: far-away-from-here

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  • Government policy towards aboriginals

    you seemed to have outlined the changes well. your writing is good except the end seems a bit sudden?it feels strange, i guess because i am so used to reading social behaviours and personal recounts about aboriginal treatment instead of just reading about government policies. Which i think is good, because i usually just ignore the policy part and focus on the other stuff. This was an interesting read :D
    • 03/08/2004
    • 21:48:42
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Hurah

    youve written a very good analysis of the poem, although its kind of like you start to describe the events of the poem after the third paragraph. maybe a mention of the themes like masculine identity or to have gone a bit further with how such an act, conventionally seen as insane, could come from a mentally sound person and how the rhyming style contributes. but i dont really know what your writing is for and someone may have already mentioned this earlier, so. Your writing reads excellent though and it has a personal touch. I really enjoyed reading it :D
    • 03/08/2004
    • 21:32:05
    • Score: 31 out of 44 people found this comment useful.