User Details For: aznwondaland

Essay List
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  • From Huck Finn reader

    I recently finished this book and am concentrating on a final presentation about the satire and cons of the duke and dauphin...well written esssay, you hit all the basic points within twain's intentions.
    • 09/06/2002
    • 10:23:48
    • Score: 5 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Convince me!

    I agree... you did a great job by bringing up some new points, but more research could have been done... why was cloning banned in the US? What about STEM CELL RESEARCH??it could be possible to use this paper as a reference though, if you argue the opposite side of cloning... think about population growth --the growth curves would extend beyond exponential! this is of course besides religion, a heated topic that deals with cloning. Also you talked about cloning to produce a child. That is a very controversial topic as well. How exactly would that benefit others?
    • 27/05/2002
    • 08:18:57
    • Score: 8 out of 9 people found this comment useful.
  • From Miller Reader

    ALthough it is a biography that you tried to write, I was hoping for analyzation of his styles. Check out his (Miller's) essay on a tragic hero for those who are interested. I think you did a great job, some of the details of his life explains his writing style!!!
    • 17/04/2002
    • 18:48:08
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • From a Journalism Point of View

    I am an 11th grade honors journalism student and although I have learned a great deal about the techniques of journalism your example with the Berlin Wall sentences explained in depth the concept of objectivism. For those of you who may be confused this is a great essay in general! Great use of Solomon~
    • 16/04/2002
    • 19:34:35
    • Score: 11 out of 12 people found this comment useful.
  • From A Reader

    I cried several times during the book, for it was a sensitive topic. I suggest that readers go out and read all three of david's books. It was an intense journey and you do a great job comparing one of today's increasing problems. It would help if the reader knew about all three books. As for your articles, wow! This certainly was a most interesting essay
    • 10/04/2002
    • 21:10:55
    • Score: 4 out of 5 people found this comment useful.