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  • Very good essay!

    The author correctly identifies the underlying causes for discontent and political upheaval in the Late Republic. The growing class of rural and urban poor, the sudden and rapid expansion of the empire and rivalry between the Tribunate and Senate are all well - explained. However, i think if the "collapse" of the checks and balances of the Late Republic are to be analysed, we must look beyond the Marian/Sullan rivavlry. There is, for example, no mention that Sulla was the first dictator of Rome - a key turning point and something other ambitious politicians could aspire. If the essay had extended to the period of the triumvirs and the almost total loss of authority from the Senate I feel it would have included a more complete coverage of the issues.
    • 27/02/2004
    • 13:33:21
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.