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  • Irony

    I have recently read "The Canterbury Tales" and I totaly agree witht the author of this paper when he or she says that these two "tales" are full of irony.Just like in the Pardoner's Tale, the old man tells the three young men that death is hiding under a tree in the goard. For those of you who don't know, the three young me are looking to kill death. When the young men come accross the gold they are worried that people will think they stole the gold, so they decide to get that night. They youngest left to go to the appotohcary and bought poision so he could kill his friends and take the gold for him self. The other two planned to kill the youngest when he returns by wrestling with him in a play fasion and later stabbing him with a knife. The irony sets in when the two young men start to leave they drink the poision which is mixed with some sort of drink and they die. So just as the pardoner said, "Money is the root of all evil."
    • 22/04/2002
    • 22:26:07
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.