User Details For: zong1234

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  • Trifles

    I agree with the jist of this essay. The little things in life are what matter, and there's a popular Bush song called "The little things that kill" that pertains to this topic, and could help explain some of your essay.
    • 22/04/2004
    • 13:28:22
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Orchestra

    You make a good point on asking the reader how life would be without Orchestra, but the answer lies in how their lives were like before they knew of orchestra. Another thought you could have added would be how many people in the world know little or nothing about your topic.
    • 22/04/2004
    • 13:25:26
    • Score: 5 out of 6 people found this comment useful.