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  • Sacre Couer

    This Essay is Awesome! I have been to the Sacre Couer Basilica in Paris, France and I couldn't have described the whole experience better than this author. It truly is a magnificent and mysterious church. It would have been a little better if he described the quantity of stairs you have to climb to get to the entrance. I couldn't breathe when I got to the top, when I realized that there was elevators 50 feet to each side of me. How ironic. If he would have put more emphasis on this fact, the readers would realize how elevated it is in Paris, it actually sits on the biggest hill there. You can see it from almost anywhere in Paris. Some more info on the roof paintings and other details of the inside would be helpful too. Good job though author!
    • 29/04/2002
    • 22:30:18
    • Score: 9 out of 13 people found this comment useful.