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  • You left a major part out!!!

    You left a major part of the poem out!! Check the end of stanza 2. It basically says that although the speaker considers one path less trodden on than the other, they really are the same. This means that the speaker does not take the "Road less travelled by"! This is a very common misinterpretation of this poem. In fact, both roads presented to the speaker have been travelled the same!
    • 08/12/2004
    • 20:38:42
    • Score: 2 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Very nice essay

    i like how in the beginning of this essay you introduce the reader to why cigs are bad for health. However, this "wall" of facts became a little boring after a while. It would have been more intresting if you clearly stated your thesis at the end of your first paragraph by saying something simple like "the government was right in banning smoking in all business areas". This gives the reader direction and makes him or her more interested in your paper. If you want, check out my "should medical marijuana be legal" paper to see how i presented an arguement similar to yours. thanks and nice essay!
    • 02/12/2004
    • 20:35:05
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Wow

    wow very good very cool; good overview of the language and explainning how it works... very cool essay lol i have never seen anything like this before, mind pming me and telling me what class this is for? good job again!
    • 20/11/2004
    • 16:04:46
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Umm, you might want to re write this

    Why so short? Also, i am not sure what your essay prompt allowed you to do, but using "I believe..." in an essay is generally considered bad writing. Also, you dont have any evidence or quotes to back up your opinions. I would seriously suggest that you re write this document...
    • 20/11/2004
    • 16:01:52
    • Score: 9 out of 13 people found this comment useful.
  • Nice essay, but i think you left out a major part that would have supported your argument

    You should have talked a little more about Article 1 Section 8 in the Constitution which states "To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution for foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officr thereof". This is known as the Necessary and Proper Clause and enables the government to take any action when viewed as necessary. The Sedition and Alien Act and the PATRIOT Act are both supported by the Necessary and Proper Clause in the Constitution. Basically, what i am trying to say is that freedom of speech exists because of the first amendment, but if the government comes up with a reason to revoke freedom of speech, they can do that and the Constitution will still support their decision. gotta love america :)
    • 20/11/2004
    • 15:52:51
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • A very good essay

    Good job keeping it informative and to the point! Definetly worth the read! I thought this essay was great and it has helped me greatly! Are your citations at the end your bibliography or your end notes? If they are endnotes, maybe you could have manually included the references to them in your document... Thanks again!
    • 20/11/2004
    • 15:36:07
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.

    great essay, well researched, good support...i am studing for my history final right now and one thing on it is world war 1. reading this helped me a lot so thanks. Also, it would have been intresting if you talked a little bit about propaganda (i know it might have not been a question, but just if you addressed how it was used in ww1 it would be nice.)
    • 28/05/2004
    • 22:15:41
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • A decent essay!

    Nice work and research! However, your work would be significantly better if you proof read it. Your facts were great and it sounded like you knew exactly what you were talking about. Inorder to make your arguement even stronger, having better sentence structure and allowing your sentences to flow with ease would help prove to your reader your thesis (which by the way is missing a couple of words at the end or something!)
    • 27/05/2004
    • 20:47:19
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Nice essay

    nice essay...i had to compare achebe's "Things Fall Apart" to Conrad's "Hearts of Darkness" in an in class essay. It was probably one of the hardest things i have ever written, but i will get it handed back to me and if i did well, i will post it on this site :)
    • 26/05/2004
    • 17:35:19
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • A poorely written essay...

    As i was reading, i felt that the essay was bouncing all over the place. At one point, the author, while explainning the fact that Frost wanted to know what he was walling in and walling out, jumps to saying that "this poem is written in iambic or blank verse". The authors sentences are very short and lack detail. Sentences such as ". The speaker does not seem to understand that and the neighbor does not either, but it is what he was taught by his father" are poorely worded and sound like they were written scrambled together like eggs. In the next sentence, "Even though the fence separates them it also gives them a common possession and every spring they have to work together to fix it" the author forgets to include a comma after the first clause and has a run on sentence. Sentences such as "Most of the poem shows the respect he has for his neighbor, but lines 36-38 are a very good example of it" sound like they were written by an 7 year old. Again, i could bring up several instances where commas were missused, but i have a 10 page paper to write about robert frost and i hate the guy and people like this author make my life harder. I am a new member and luckily this is the first bad essay i have read.
    • 23/05/2004
    • 18:32:05
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.