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  • Thanx

    this is a great essay, and i just wanted to thank you for how much this essay helped me to better understand Medea compared to 'typical' Athenian society.thanx again!!
    • 02/08/2004
    • 05:19:24
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • WOW

    this is truly a fantastic piece of work.very emotional and thought-provoking, while letting you express what you wanted to.BTW, about the song, there is a song called "Don't want you back", but is nothing like this poem, except for that one line.this poem expresses your deepest feelings and emotions. don't worry about what the other reviewers say, your poem rocked.VERY WELL DONE!
    • 13/07/2004
    • 06:02:31
    • Score: 13 out of 13 people found this comment useful.
  • It was great, but it could be better

    this essay was great, and helped me to express my ideas that i found hard to convey. but, there are a few things that bothered me about it. i don't mean to nag, but it will help with your writing.first of all, NEVER USE "I" IN AN ESSAY!! i have found that there is nothing that english teachers hate more than using I in an analytical essay.also, you said that you found Scout too wise for her age. you have to remember that it is being told from an adult Scout looking back on her childhood. she would have a better understanding of herself, the situation, and the people around her as an adult, so she includes things that no child would know. these 'hindsight' comments add to the book, showing how Scout has matured.Other than that, the essay was GREAT!!!
    • 10/07/2004
    • 23:58:45
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Thanx

    Thanx for this essay, it really helped me to get a better understanding of the love and romance side of this book, and helped me greatly with my essay.Thanx Again!!
    • 14/06/2004
    • 00:11:00
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.