User Details For: stella8h8chang

Essay List
Comments List
  • Great work!

    Wow, I really admire the depth and detail you have delved into with this essay - I can understand why you got such a great mark; there is so much in here! And, your arguments are well-backed up with quotes and facts. Great work!
    • 28/07/2004
    • 02:22:21
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Great work!

    I really like this essay, I think it's very well-structured, and you have analysed the poem very well. I don't think there's a lot for me to say that others haven't. Although I myself don't generally use the first person in an essay, I think you have pulled it off skilfully. And you have a good point; it really is a personal interpretation, so using first person in this case has given it a little "something" which just flows beautifully.
    • 27/07/2004
    • 17:29:01
    • Score: 64 out of 70 people found this comment useful.