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  • Ok

    Good job. But keep in mind that an essay must have introduction, where you state the thesis(main idea). It should be atleast 3 sentences. You also need a conclusion, where you summarize the whole essay, it also should be atleast 3 sentences.
    • 04/08/2004
    • 13:56:45
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Good

    Good job."In the film Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth I is portrayed as a weak and indecisive woman who struggles with her position." I have to disagree on this one. At the end of the movie they have an effective scene that shows she was of a strong character, as 'she married England.'Also, next time mention who was the director and what year and by what counrty the movie was released.
    • 03/08/2004
    • 23:22:58
    • Score: 5 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Australian immigration policy and its relation to Asia

    Good essay overall. Very good references, you took time to put them in and didn't take credit for the work of others. But you could have included more information about Asians though, since that's what you said you will emphasize.I gave you an :]
    • 03/08/2004
    • 23:09:42
    • Score: 9 out of 10 people found this comment useful.
  • Very well written! However...

    "The gap between countries have become smaller and smaller," if not considering third world nations. While the rest of the world is becoming somehwhat richer, third world countries are experiencing severe poverty, famine, civil war or/and rapid growth of population. However, many nations of 1st and 2nd world(former Soviet Union countries, China, etc) are becoming more prosperious. Therefore, your statement is only correct if excluding 3rd world states.
    • 03/08/2004
    • 22:53:44
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.