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  • Teacher Pay

    Having been in Human Resources and Education, I can agree with the fact that most teachers are under-paid for the burdern of responsibility that they carry. As "part-time" parents for their students, mandated reporters for the state, confidants for the parents and educators of excellence for the district, teachers work more than their contracted hours and for much less than their contracts state.Yet, if you plan on entering this profession or are currently in it, there should be the internal desire to educate that keeps you there. You are a teacher because you want to be.I have to disagree with the author that money will keep teachers; it has been proven time and again in the corporate world that money is the least effective motivator. It is the building or respect and a team environment that motivates and keep employees (especially those considered under-paid). High salaries are wonderful, but the monitary hook will only remain set for so long; than the responsibilities of the job will chaff and cut the employee until the money means nothing.Should teachers be paid equal to their counterparts in the corporate world, yes. Is money the only reason to be a teacher; take it from one, there is no way a person could survive the physical, emotional and mental stress if all they wanted was the money.
    • 12/08/2004
    • 17:45:53
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.