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Essay List
Comments List
  • Gods, compares greek and roman gods

    The facts are mostly correct if oversimplified. Even for a freshman level essay, it really needs work. There is a lot of information but no argument. It barely compares or contrasts the greco-roman gods. This essay is only helpful as an outline or fact sheet not as an actual critical analysis.
    • 03/05/2005
    • 15:05:27
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Roman And Greek Mythology.

    This is a well researched and supported essay. With a little more work, it could be college level quality. It feel more like an outline rather than an in-depth paper. It needs more meat.
    • 03/05/2005
    • 14:52:42
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Hellenistic Judaism- Still Prevalent Today.

    This essay is fairly well written. There are a few grammatical errors such as run-on sentences, but overall it is well done. The thesis is stated in the form of a question, which makes it weak. A thesis statement should be assertive and precise. Although this paper is filled with very good facts and source material, it is difficult to see where the author is going with his or her argument. This is simply due to the weak thesis, which does not lay out the argumentive assertion well since it is a question rather than a statement. I am impressed with the source evidence and the author's use of it. He or she does an excellent job of giving the reader a solid foundation.
    • 03/05/2005
    • 11:59:02
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.