User Details For: GnarKill74

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  • Oh and another thing

    I can't vote in this election because I'm only 17, but I would be voting for Bush if I could.
    • 18/10/2004
    • 00:11:04
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Sorry.......

    Alright. I'm not a great writer. But what I was trying to do with this essay was make the comparisons so broad that people would just laugh it off. It was sorta making fun of liberals, if you believe me or not that's what I was aiming for. Again I know I need to work on my skills a lot, but this is the first essay I ever wrote in college. Sorry if it offended you by its obscurity.
    • 18/10/2004
    • 00:05:53
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.