User Details For: Kenna

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  • UFO's

    Well, i didn't really like this essay because I myself dont believe in UFO's. Although the author does make some good points and states his side on the issue clearly, I feel like the essay is taking me no where. It would be a better paper if the author would work on word choice and if they would add some more depth to the paper.
    • 19/09/2002
    • 17:47:15
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Abortion

    I TOTALLY agree with this author. I am completely Pro-Life. I think that abortion is murder and should be treated that way. This author has well researched both sides, Pro-life and Pro-Choice, although it is obviouse she disagrees with pro-choice, as do I. Abortion should be made illegal and the author couldn't have stated the point better than what they did. Its sad this issue may never be resolved, but hopefully one day it will be. Great job author!
    • 19/09/2002
    • 17:38:25
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Didn't See A Title...Sorry!

    Okay I'm in between on this essay. I like alot of the points made in it, especially when the author states that we should exercise our freedom to silence as well as our freedom of speech. That was well said, but I feel the author is a little "ify" on the subject. They object it, but then defend it and agree with it at the same time. It was written well, but they should stay more on track and either agree or disagree and not go back and forth so much.
    • 19/09/2002
    • 17:31:21
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • City of Blood

    I enjoyed reading this essay because before reading it I knew nothing of the subject. It intrigued me because of our current situation with Iran/Iraq. It was well organized with subtitles which made it easier to read and follow along with the writer's thoughts. Good job author!
    • 19/09/2002
    • 17:15:31
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.