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  • Mending Wall - Great Essay!

    This essay is wonderful. You explain multiple angles through which to examine the poem and its two characters. However, you missed one of my favorite angles - seeing the persona as somewhat of a bastard. He initiates mending the wall so that he can make fun of his neighbor, who probably hates him. He calls him "an old-stone savage." You can look at it as this -The persona is a "liberated, intelligent man" and the neighbor is the "average, working-class man." The persona seems to think he his above the neighbor in thought and mental capacity, so he begins to question the neighbor and try to make him think. The neighbor however wants nothing to do with the persona. He probably wants to get back to his beer and watching the baseball game on television.You did a great job with this essay. I think Frost would be glad to read it. By the way, my one angle of looking at the poem is meant to be somewhat humorous in its extremes. However, it is a reasonable angle to take.
    • 16/03/2005
    • 21:54:42
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Great, yet again

    As many have said, "nothing but the best!" This was an extremely insightful and valuable resource in the explication of this poem. You did a beautiful job explaining every detail. Please, post more essays!
    • 16/03/2005
    • 21:18:27
    • Score: 22 out of 25 people found this comment useful.
  • Wonderful

    This essay was simply wonderful. Great Job! I'd love to see more of your writting. Please, if you can, post more essays.
    • 16/03/2005
    • 21:14:59
    • Score: 31 out of 39 people found this comment useful.
  • Great essay

    many people have already told you this, but I found this to be a wonderfully written essay. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You helped me to more deeply understand the poem.
    • 12/03/2005
    • 11:49:41
    • Score: 27 out of 32 people found this comment useful.
  • Great job

    We had to read this in our english class last year and answer a ton of questions on it. Reading this definately would have helped with the questions. You do a good job looking at the work from a variety of angles.
    • 12/03/2005
    • 11:30:36
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Decent job

    there are some gramatical errors, as previously mentioned, however - good job. you didn't mention a few important aspects of a computer engineer however. part of the problem of the stress of the job is that unless you work at a major corporation, you aren't working with up-to-date stuff, you're taking an older computer system and trying to make it work for the company until you work your way up the ladder and get some purchasing power (they say if you make it the first 2 years, you're going to be good at the job). You include many points however.
    • 11/03/2005
    • 18:58:10
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Informative

    This wasn't the most well written essay, there are some gramatical errors and repetition of points, however it is very informative. The moderate informality throughout the essay is a nice touch to connect with the reader, good job with it, it helped me for my debate :)
    • 10/03/2005
    • 22:42:52
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.