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  • Reasons for rebellion

    I think to make this essay a good one, you would need to address the issue of why they were rebellion. Part of the reason was due to world war 1, whereby everyone was shocked by the destruction of the war. The idea of progress of history vanished before everyone's eyes, and europe fell into an age of somberness. The roaring twenties, as colorful as it was, also was also a time of gangsterism, as maffias ruled the cities such as chicago.
    • 28/03/2005
    • 12:13:12
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Poorly written

    I honestly think this is a poorly written essay with point form causes for the world war. There should be a narrative of the essay. There is hardly and links to link up the essay to make it a coherent story and argument.
    • 28/03/2005
    • 12:02:43
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Globalisation, its disadvantage

    While there are many positive aspects of globalisation, lets not forget the negative aspects to it as well. Globalisation has led to a possible identity crises in the world, as people struggle to identify themselves to their native lands.Moreover, where can one draw the line between globalisation and americanisation?Globalisation can also harm trade deficits by making imports cheaper, thus harming home products. Thus while this essay focuses on the good affects of globalisation, the negative aspects should not be ignored as well.
    • 28/03/2005
    • 11:56:17
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Malays in colonial singapore

    This is an extremely insightful essay on the development of the Malays as a community in colonial singapore. However, the discourse of the Malays being a lazy native is a tricky issue. Where does one draw the line between fact and myth. It is highly probable that the Malays did not want to venture into any business venture simply because it was hard work doing plantation work. Being natives of the land, fishing and farming therefore provided a more attractive use for their time.
    • 28/03/2005
    • 11:52:17
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.