User Details For: captiankane

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  • Veryb good

    it was a good review it described it very well it was espically good how he explianed how it was not just another war movie but that it was a very good interptation of a very uneasy time in american history and how people felt towards these times of hardship
    • 08/09/2002
    • 16:11:25
    • Score: 13 out of 13 people found this comment useful.
  • Realted disorders

    there are also other eating diorders which also could be added for instance compulseive overeating is also one which has dangerous complications an should be explained along with bulimia and anerexia but other thna that it was a very good essay and very imformative
    • 08/09/2002
    • 16:04:31
    • Score: 2 out of 3 people found this comment useful.