User Details For: Dynamicchuck12

Essay List
Comments List
  • Inconsiderate.

    The Bible being a text of controversy, it is within reasonable expectation to have certain inconsequential flaws. Yet, as many other books, it is a prose, utilizing figurative language to create a particular effect (metaphoric if you please). Off the point, I am assuming this was written with the intention of persuasion, yet calling believers of this text "Crazed American fundmentalists who believe that in eating wafers they are consuming the body of a 2,000 year-deceased Palestinian" really quite defeats the purpose. I find your entire refutations irrational; optimistically speaking.
    • 01/01/2006
    • 03:11:56
    • Score: 8 out of 9 people found this comment useful.
  • Where are the details?

    One of the greatest minds to ever walk the earth, and this is all you have to offer? Pathetic! A biography of Mike Myers would have to be at least 500x the size of this to even begin to do him justice. I spit on this essay. Well, my computer....JK :)
    • 18/12/2005
    • 19:02:11
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Skipping.

    It skips a few parts of the book which I believe need reference, however since it is an essay not a complete walkthrough, I think it is exceptional
    • 13/12/2005
    • 21:52:29
    • Score: 2 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Tension.

    I think there is a slight problem with the transition of the topics, otherwise relatively good.
    • 13/12/2005
    • 21:42:23
    • Score: 3 out of 5 people found this comment useful.