User Details For: istealpants

Essay List
Comments List
  • Good Essay

    A very well written piece on crime and punishment. The only suggestion I would make for the future is to avoid using Dictionary definitions; they make the essay somewhat cheesy, and most professors prefer you don't use them in an essay.
    • 09/12/2007
    • 23:54:30
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Not bad

    This isn't a bad comparison piece of the two events, though I feel like the 9/11 account dominates the piece more than it should because of the lack of a first or even second hand account of Pearl Harbor. Also, the conclusion seems very "tacked on"; your thought process is never fleshed out, you just state that "After doing the research..." which really says nothing to someone reading your essay.
    • 09/12/2007
    • 23:51:41
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.