User Details For: bellj16

Essay List
Comments List
  • Very good essay

    Eloquently written and relevant and interesting points raised. Although the essay didn't flow that well (it worked its way systematicaly through the book instead of refering to the relevant parts of the book as the argument required it) it still resonated with originality. It helped me a lot.
    • 11/09/2003
    • 12:06:26
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Impressive

    A useful and detailed plot summary. The character descriptions were good but if the characters were analysed more the essay would be more useful. The themes, however, were extreemly interesting and raised points that I had never thought of before.
    • 11/09/2003
    • 12:01:40
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.