User Details For: SE200

Essay List
Comments List
  • Very Good

    Written very well and easy understand. Good Work!
    • 20/11/2003
    • 07:42:02
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Antarctica - Polar Bears - Global Warming

    I thought the essay was detailed and easy to follow. Good writing skills.
    • 17/09/2003
    • 15:22:33
    • Score: 4 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • The concept of the veil in islamic countries and how it may be discriminated in some other forgein countries

    I like the paper it is detailed and really axplains the use of the veil in the Islamic countries and why women and girls have to wear it. This person used many sources and spent some time writing this paper. Some minor changes and this could be a very good paper.
    • 26/10/2002
    • 17:52:53
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Where does the pursuit of Greatness of ourself lead to?

    It seems like this person tried to write like a great writer but, he/she is lacking the necessary skills to pull it off. Lots of grammatical errors. The paper does not flow very well. Sorry but probably a bit below average.
    • 26/10/2002
    • 17:45:42
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Comparison between the two movies (Romeo & Juliet)

    For a high school paper it is very detailed and compares the movies very well. They compared some big events within the two movies that allowed for some good discussion topics. Good paper
    • 26/10/2002
    • 17:36:10
    • Score: 21 out of 22 people found this comment useful.