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  • Comments on your essay

    I thought your essay was a very good paper. you brought up some good points about the british converting over to euro. It's ironic I just came back from the Southern part of Europe and the euro was use there and being an american I thought it was some much easier with the euro with comparing to the american dollar. Also, I was in the Southern part of Europe where they did not use the euro and it was pretty difficult and expensive to exchange the money because like you mention in the paper it would be great for tourist and trading. I agree, just from my experencing in both Southern and Northern part of Europe. I find it quite nice here in the U.S. because when you travel both the northern and southern parts of U.S. within the states there is no exchange for dollars unless you come from other countries however, having the euro just makes it more simpler and you can save on the interest. Very good points in your essay.
    • 22/09/2003
    • 08:50:08
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Comments on Essay

    i thought this essay was very informative. I just want to let this person know if I had to write and use this information as presentation I would have use the same information.
    • 15/09/2003
    • 09:29:19
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.