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Essay List
Comments List
  • Incorrect interpretation of events

    The correct interpretation lies in the attitudes of the two brothers. Hebrews 11:4 records that Abel by faith offered the correct sacrafice whilst Cain chose not to. As for not knowing what might lead to death, we know that the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil had been eaten. Thus we see Cain premeditate the murder of his brother, even after being addressed by God
    • 19/09/2006
    • 16:40:45
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Misses the Point

    The essay misses the correct interpretation of the parable, which is found in v16:8b-13, verses not addressed in this essay. The idea should run along the lines that we are God's stewards with his resources (money, time, etc) and we are expected to put them to use for the kingdom of God. People of the world are more shrewd in handling resources - they know how to make it count. Verses 16:10 and 11 sums it up. Be carful using this assignment.
    • 12/09/2006
    • 16:23:01
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.