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  • It's ok, but...

    This essay is satisfying, but it is written very poorly. There are no excuses for bad sentence structure and grammar. Upon completing the bulk (topical issue) of your essay you should proof read it vigorously and sometimes get someone else to read it, often another person will pick up alot more than you will reading to yourself. In this essay you have focused mainly on the pros and cons of globalisation, and in the cons you have used the example of Nike exploiting child labor, which was a good example but it would have been nice to have gone into more detail. Other examples of globalisation exploitation situations are: Coca-cola in India, using up a regions water supply, Dunlop Tyres moving to Malaysia (cheaper labour), Dyson Vacume Cleaners moving to china and the Huge lay offs that they made in the Uk. overall not a bad essay but there is work to be done.
    • 15/04/2007
    • 14:53:40
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.