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  • Creation Essay

    This essay may have been written for a college sophmore course but it is only at high school senior level at best. A simple retelling of the story is great for high school but college should reflect a higher level of independant thought and analysis. This essay is super for getting an overall and wide view of the subject. I would suggest, since this is a essay about "myths" that the Hebrew God be referred to by the name that was used which is Yahweh. It is important to maintain a disinterested and objective stance when evaluating these ancient stories. In an academic paper, it is important to avoid obvious identification of any one belief system. However, I do want to point out that this is a very good first attempt on a very complex topic. For this paper to have been flushed out and expanded would have required the in depth study of the history of the Ancient Near East,its civilizations, its cultures, its beliefs, its people and their daily relationship to their gods.
    • 16/11/2002
    • 08:15:40
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.