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  • Ne jamais oublier la forme

    Le fond est maitrisé, mais on n'a pas le droit de rendre un rapport de 10 000 mots avec autant de fautes d'ortho, de grammaire, et de syntaxe. On finit par ne plus regarder le sens des mots, mais les problemes de leur organisation. Dommage.
    • 20/03/2003
    • 19:23:12
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Not hardships, opportunities !

    Good essay overall. But the end is too short ! If you delve into the hardships of studying in a different environment, you will see that the way you look at things is not the only one, and very often not the best one. Though it is hackneyed, i repeat : you learn more going through hardships than success...This regards academic as well as personal matters : not only you are "urged to study better", you are just urged to THINK, and grow up thereby.
    • 01/02/2003
    • 16:47:15
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Hmmm

    It's okay, but you should justify what you say, instead of saying "this guy is a genius because I say so". He changed what music is about ? I Don't see what's changed compmared to the 70's for instance. What he changed is that Seattle hard rock was mass-known thanks to / because of him. But his success happened in the same time as Soundgarden's for instance.In this kind of essay, I think you should really tell more about what this artist make you really think instead of BS on the greatest genius ever, it just makes more sense.
    • 17/12/2002
    • 04:18:27
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • Gun control issues are more complex and must be analyzed more carfully

    There are a lot of facts in this essay, yet it lacks some analysis. We understand clearly throughout it that violence is bad, that guns entail violence, therefore there should be a powerful gun control. But there are deeper issue that can be dealt with here.If you look at goes around overseas, you\'ll see that there are as many guns in Canada as in the US (per family), and yet not as many gun-related crime... Why is it so ? Must be cultural...the US has developped a culture of fear as Micheal Moore says in his latest documentary Bowling for Columbine. It\'s not the media (South Park and Hollywood blockbusters do cross the borders and don\'t make foreigners act like Americans do), European countries have been through two major wars with horrible acts of violence and so\'s puzling, it\'s very difficult to have a clear cut explanation, therefore interesting for an essay !
    • 23/11/2002
    • 09:14:07
    • Score: 5 out of 6 people found this comment useful.