User Details For: bogdanst

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  • Sadly, that is not why they do it

    Countries could not care less for sharing this planet with other countries. Yes they have to trade, but not because they can or can not do something, but cause others can do it cheaper. USA would not crumble (I admit that changes would have to be made) it would just have to modify. Peru would most probably crumble, but if Peru was as strong as USA, meaning developed, that Peru too would have to just modify. Free trade is very important, vital to modern society, and the progress. But profits rule the world, and even politics. But not to get into finish, if we care about sharing the planet, than why would we destroy it? Forget about sharing, we live on it! Than why do we kill ourselves? Oil is what moves the world, and it is oil that will make it stop. Weather, pollution, mutation...horrible
    • 22/10/2007
    • 11:34:12
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Well yeah

    Philosophy is always a hot potato, one that could drive people to far edges of what ever they get into (if you read it and ponder it alone, to insanity; if in a group to a verbal or even physical conflict). So opinions can be given regarding this matter. If we are prisoners to our senses, if we think the world is something it is not, and yet our eyes can not be opened, cause our eyes can not see the true colors, than what is the use of knowing that we do not know and will never know? If you can never taste, see or hear the true side of things, than why do you need to? It's just enough for you to live that life thinking red is red, not blue, cause you can not do anything about it. If there is nothing around us, than why should we seek to find that out? Living a lie is better than not living at all (a matter of opinion). Or even wasting your life worrying about the emptiness of the world, cause the clock is not stopping. Live the life the way you see it, the way you sense it, just live it, even if you do not see all the colors of the rainbow.
    • 22/10/2007
    • 11:20:34
    • Score: 0 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • This should have been an A-

    This should have been an A-, for sure. Not an A or A+, cause he/she failed to mention the current state in business, the constant race for innovation, cause that is the main ticket to the top. Billions of dollars are spent every year on R&D, just because of the great importance of innovations. This had an historical view on innovations, which is good, but stopped there...which probably gave the B.
    • 20/10/2007
    • 12:23:21
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Very good

    A real essay. Very good, I looked at a few here, and this one is the best so far.
    • 18/10/2007
    • 14:27:55
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.