User Details For: istoessel

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  • Although Pretty Good...

    I found this book report/essay of good quality for the grade level reported. However the end of the essay leaves me wondering if something happened next. After reading the end of the novel, I would add the following:The surviving prisoners, including Elie, were finally allowed to go free. Upon their first free moment the only desire they had was to find food. They were too exhausted physically and mentally to try to understand their ordeal.Unfortunately Elie, who has not had food for days, became sick from food poisoning three days after the liberation. He became so sick that he was hospitalized. When feeling well enough to walk, he looked into the mirror and thought that he looked like a corpse.In reality much of him died. Even though he is now a free man the enemy has left him feeling less that human - leaving him without dignity - and wondering if life is worth living now. If it is possible, it will take years for him to recover.
    • 15/11/2007
    • 07:51:28
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.