User Details For: JGNP15333

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  • Hats off to you . . .

    You are a very potent writer. This is one of the most powerful works I've read that was written by a student. You drive your audience to use empathy, and hopefully someone else will read it, understand it, and spread the word also. You've set a standard and I commend you.
    • 05/12/2002
    • 21:12:39
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Great!

    I must hand it too you...a very good summary of the only piece by Faulkner I can read wholeheartedly. Maybe you should apply Cliffnotes. . .
    • 03/12/2002
    • 23:07:32
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.