User Details For: juno660

Essay List
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  • Very Informative

    With Americans, along with much of the world, holding generally holding Muslims in such low regard as the steriotypical militant "Holy Warrior", the public should really read things like these to find some truth. It shows Islam as not just a good faith, but as a benevolant lifestyle also. I also found the part dealing with black Muslims interesting, as well. Great work.
    • 02/10/2004
    • 15:17:29
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Informative, makes a good point.

    I found your essay to be a well thought out argument. It is obvious that you did a lot of research on the topic to get all the statistics. I also liked how you included the example of how Chile fared better with privatized social security. You have clearly shown that the current American social security system is a direct contradiction of Capitalism.
    • 02/10/2004
    • 15:04:18
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Good historical essay.

    Essay explains the political and religious reasons for the Catholic Reformation well. Reading the essay tells that the author researched the topic in great detail. Would recommend for citation to anyone writing an essay on the topic.
    • 27/12/2003
    • 23:11:59
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Multiculturalism In the US

    Not much of an attention getter in the intro, but overall does a good job of describing how different cultural groups make up America. Also makes a good point at the end people need to accept those of other cultures to increase the unity between Americans.
    • 22/11/2003
    • 19:36:39
    • Score: 17 out of 20 people found this comment useful.