User Details For: garcia-scanlon

Essay List
Comments List
  • Rock on with your bad self

    Not only do I agree with you wholeheartedly, I also wish I had been able to write as well as you when I was in high school.
    • 20/12/2002
    • 04:00:49
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • What Will You Tell Us?

    Rather than spouting off on what one will not tell us about your reasons or others reasons for living, why not explain the essay? The only reason I am responding to this essay is because the lyrical content and the rythym of the piece obviously proves the author can write quite well. It was an enjoyable read, save for the fact I did not grasp what point it was trying to make, other than anyone who has ever contemplated life and living has already gone too far. Then the tag-line of "Leave it as it is" seems to be a backstep in order to not advocate suicide. If that was the focus of the essay, just come right out and say it. I look forward to reading more from this author as long as s/he is willing to elaborate more and provide a clearer concept of his or her thesis.
    • 20/12/2002
    • 03:53:25
    • Score: 12 out of 12 people found this comment useful.