User Details For: zomgliekwtf

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  • Just a few things...

    "Obviously, one, young Fortinbras, is a fighter, and one, young Hamlet, is a scholar." - perhaps replace with ", because of the contrast between scholar and fighter." and omit the next sentence.Put brackets around "Act 4 Scene 5 lines 149-154 "Change "Consequently, Hamlet consumed with rage automatically..." to "Consequently, Hamlet is consumed with rage and automatically..."Change "Even though they seem very similar, the differences are also there which could make them adversaries." to perhaps something like "However, their dissimilarities are present enough to turn them into adversaries."Apart from that, it's quite good ^^
    • 11/08/2009
    • 12:51:52
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Lovely! But...

    Perhaps place your definition of a 'genius' at the beginning of the essay? 'cause throughout reading your essay, I found myself often wondering "so...what is a genius?"
    • 11/08/2009
    • 08:17:35
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.