User Details For: emcgeisey

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Comments List
  • A Rose for Emily

    Faulkner was more interested in the gothic element of this short story not the towns people themselves. It is written as if the narrator is one of the townspeople telling the story, so the reader never gets an indepth look of who or how Emily is. With a father who was an authoritian type of individual, she was repressed from an early age. So even if the townspeople were to involve themselves (which they did when they summoned her aunts), it would have made little difference.
    • 20/12/2002
    • 09:18:18
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • The life of Vincent Van Gogh

    It is incomplete with no way of finishing or finding further information.
    • 13/11/2002
    • 17:40:03
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.