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    ReferencesBBC News, 2009. Reality TV star Jade Goody dies, 22nd March 2009 10/05/09)Bilton, T., Blue, O., 2009, Has the implementation of the Smoke-Free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 reduced or altered smoking habits?Uxbridge, Middlesex, Uxbridge CollegeBristol University, 2009 9/05/09)Capital Volunteering: nd 9/05/09)Daily Mail: 2009, 'Could Britain cope with a pandemic? Lack of preparation 'could leave a million dead', 27th April 2009. 10/05/09)Daily Telegraph: 2009, 'mealtime Gestapo', cited in article Primary school inspects children's lunchboxes for unhealthy food, 17th March 2009,22049,25197910-5011660,00.html(Accessed 10/05/09)Declaration of Alma-Ata (1978). 08/05/09)Ewles, L., Simnett, I., 2004. 'Victim-blaming', Promoting Health, a practical guide: What is Health Promotion?, pp. 25London, UK, Bailliere Tindall.Fleming, L., 2009, Telephone interview with Fleming, L., Area Youth Worker, Fountains Mill, Uxbridge, Middlesex.HAWG: 2009 11/05/09)Kupczyk, M., 2009, 'has improved considerably, especially since the merging of probation and prison services' & 'its benefits to prisoners and society overall are immense', telephone interview with Kupczyk, M., Principal Officer, Woodhill Prison, Buckinghamshire (12/05/09)NoTRAG: 2009 11/05/09)Salway, S. Platt, L. Chowbey, P. Harriss, K. Bayliss, E. 2007. Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity (Accessed 12/05/09)The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: 1986, 'to achieve Health for All by the year 2000 and beyond'. 09/05/09)WHO:2002, cited at Hill, L., 2004. Eurocare "Bridging the Gaps" Conference, 2004 10/05/09)BibliographyEwles, L., Simnett, I., 2004, Promoting Health, a practical guide.London, United Kingdom, Bailliere Tindall.Naidoo, J., Wills, J., 2008, Health Studies, an introduction.Basingstoke, United Kingdom, Palgrave Publishing.The Education Act 2002, London, HMSOThe Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006, London, HMSOTones, K., Tilford., 2001, Health Promotion, effectiveness, efficiency and equity.Cheltenham, United Kingdom, Nelson Thornes Ltd.
    • 26/09/2009
    • 18:20:49
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    ReferenceCenters for Disease Control and Prevention 2007. Elimination of Measles --- South Korea, 2001 – 2006 27/05/09)CIEL, 2009, The Chad-Cameroon pipeline project 30/05/09)Donnelly, P. L., 2005. "Culture is a way of life; it provides people with an unwritten map of rules for living'" cited in Mental Health Beliefs and Help Seeking Behaviors of Korean American Parents of Adult Children with Schizophrenia, Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health, summer edition 2005.Guardian, 2009. Cash-strapped NHS offers millions in prizes to its staff, article by Toby Helm, 26th April 2009. 28/09/05)Giddens, A,. (2006), Sociology: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare, pp. 341 - 380, Malden, USA, Polity Press.HAMF, 2009, Yoga for Kumbo's Kids 26/05/09)HAMF, 2009a, Total Health Care Center Goes Mobile. 26/05/09)Health Service Journal, 2009. NHS job losses set to continue, article by Sally Gainsbury, 12th March 2009. 30/05/09)Helman, C. G., 2007. Culture, Health and Illness: Doctor-patient interactions, pp – 129Oxford, Great Britain, Butterworth Heinemann.Helwig, D., (nd). Encyclopedia of Alternative medicine: Traditional African medicine cited at;col1(Accessed 26/05/09)Korean Times, 2008. Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine (IV): Tea, article by Chad Meyer, 9th April 2008. 26/05/09)Kwintessential, (nd), Hofstede's Intercultural Dimensions. 30/05/09)Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Willig, C., Woodhall, C., Sykes, C. M., 2005. Health Psychology, Theory, Research and Practice: Culture and Health, pp – 83.London, Great Britain, Sage Publications.Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Willig, C., Woodhall, C., Sykes, C. M., 2005a. Health Psychology, Theory, Research and Practice: Culture and Health, pp – 78.London, Great Britain, Sage Publications.National Health Insurance Corporation, 2009 29/05/09)Peek, P. M., Yankah, K., 2004. African Folklore: an encyclopaedia, pp – 254.London, Great Britain, Taylor and Francis.Ngwa, V. C., 2003. Towards A Better Healthcare System in Cameroon: A Clinician's view. 26/05/09)Phytochemicals, 2009. Korean Ginseng. 29/05/09)Seattlepi, 2006. Doctor has deep ties to the Cameroon, article by Julie Davidow, 22nd February 2006. 26/05/09)Shin, A., 2009. Information sourced from telephone interview 28th May 2009. For note text of interview, see appendix 2.TanlaKishani, D., 2009. "African culture is greatly misunderstood'"& "Westerners have no real concept of modern African life or traditional African medicine", sourced from interview see appendix 1.TanlaKishani, D., 2009a, "understand the African psyche'" sourced from interview see appendix 1.TanlaKishani, D., 2009b. "things only happen if god allows it" & "you are only a person because of other people", sourced from interview see appendix 1.TanlaKishani, D., 2009. Information sourced from interview 26th May 2009. For note text of interview, see appendix 1.BibliographyAlibhai-Brown, Y., 1998. Caring for Ethnic Minority Elders,London, Great Britain, Age Concern.Coleman, S., Watson, H., 1992. An introduction to Antropology,London, Great Britain, Quintet Publishing Ltd.Giddens, A,. 2006, Sociology: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare, pp. 341 - 380,Malden, USA, Polity Press.Giddens, A,. 2006, Sociology:Health, Illness and Disability, pp. 252 - 291,Malden, USA, Polity Press.Giddens, A., 2006, Sociology: Global Inequality, pp 385 – 429,Malden, USA, Polity PressHelman, C. G., 2007. Culture, Health and Illness,Oxford, Great Britain, Butterworth Heinemann.Marks, D. F., Murray, M., Evans, B., Willig, C., Woodhall, C., Sykes, C. M., 2005. Health Psychology, Theory, Research and Practice,London, Great Britain, Sage Publications.Peek, P. M., Yankah, K., 2004. African Folklore: an encyclopaedia,London, Great Britain, Taylor and Francis.
    • 26/09/2009
    • 18:17:53
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    ReferenceThe Independent (11.01.2002), '…A civilised society demands that criminal convictions should be secured beyond reasonable doubt, and that is not a game, it is a fundamental principle.", Police accuse courts of protecting the guilty. (Accessed 20/03/09)BibliographyBBC News (19.03.2009), Why do innocent people make false confessions? (Accessed 20/03/09)Centre for Corporate Accountability (2004), Phillip's Report: Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure., R. Martin, J. (2008), Unlocking The English Legal System, London, England, Hodder & Stroughton EducationalMartin, J. Gibbins, M. (2003), Complete A – Z Law Handbook, London, England, Hodder & Stroughton EducationalMartin, J. (2002), The English Legal System, London, England, Hodder & Stroughton EducationalMartin, J. (2008), The Facts at Your Fingertips: Criminal Law, London, England, Hodder & Stroughton EducationalThe Independent (25.06.2002), Who will defend them? (Accessed 20/03/09)The Access to Justice Act 1999. London: HMSOThe Legal Aid Act 1988. London: HMSOThe Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). London: HMSOThe Police and Justice Act 2006. London: HMSOThe Criminal Justice Act 2003. London: HMSOThe Prosecutions of Offences Act 1985. London: HMSO
    • 26/09/2009
    • 18:08:57
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