User Details For: iamthewalrus

Essay List
Comments List
  • Quality of writing.

    I understand this is a 12th grade paper, that being said, I don't think this a good essay. The writing tends to jump around and there are a few errors (word usage, tense, grammar).Is this a response to chapter three or the entire book? At any rate the author is not stated.TO THE SUBMITTER: Please don't take my comments personally. I'll admit when I was in high school my writing was not the best. Higher education will do you wonders!
    • 08/03/2010
    • 22:06:42
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Questionable Sources

    Much of the evidence is taken from a 2001 FOX special or was in response to the tv program. The quality of the writing is alright, but I do not see who could use this essay for much of anything.
    • 08/03/2010
    • 21:54:11
    • Score: 0 out of 1 people found this comment useful.