User Details For: bbaileybabe19

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  • My opinion

    To: tomwhiteulI agree with you 100%. There is no need forabortion. Women make choices just like men. Iam a female and Iam 17 years of age. I enjoyed your essay. You are correct women who do not want children should use better birth control methods. I do not agree with abortion at all. It is the choice of the 2 people who decide to make a choice to have sex. No one forced them to do it. We do need to tell younger people more about the risk of having sex and also for getting pregnate. Thank you for the great easy, I hope alot of people read this. We need to think before we act on things. thanks-bbbaileybabe19
    • 20/02/2003
    • 19:05:45
    • Score: 11 out of 11 people found this comment useful.