User Details For: RucKus

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  • Points of Influence.

    Just like to add a suggestion. To make this a better essay you could have researched early late 20th century composers such as Schoenberg, who were catalyst's for the use of chromatics as a main melodic riffs. However Schoenberg as an example may be a bit harsh, as his works were atonal, yet many elements of his works are evident in NIN.Overall, good information (although easily found).
    • 04/03/2003
    • 23:02:16
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.
  • Well Contructed and Analysised Arguement.

    I think another key element in defining what was 'romantic' would have to be looking at the tonality of the pieces, many above mention are of minor tonality, especially the work of earlier Beethoven which was mostly composed in C# minor.Another interesting feature of the Romantic period was the lilting melody lines and fluent key changes, with a lack of "evil chords" such as the diminished or augmented's.Great essay, but be careful with "whether" and "weather".
    • 04/03/2003
    • 22:48:39
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.