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  • Thoughts

    This essay will help a lot, cause i have a isu in law on the same topic. Thank you so much, this essays will give me any idea of what i can write about although i do deagree with some point in your essay but overall its good and it'll help a lot. It just needS a little more information on what the bill of right is on by it self and what the Charter is by itself, and something that can also be explained is one better than the other adn why?
    • 07/04/2003
    • 17:40:14
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • The World Today

    I thought this essay was interesting and truly relates to the wrold right now, with the war on Iraq and all the volience that is going on in the world. We do need to look at not just the individual which is Saddam, but at the level of protecting the whole. Theses change can only be made if we look at the macro. not the micro.
    • 07/04/2003
    • 15:41:38
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.